Extracts from the lodge history

The Consecration Ceremony took place at The Town Hall, Evesham on the 14th January, 1909. The Presiding officer was no less than the Grand Secretary, V.W.Bro. Sir Edward Lechmere F.S.A, who just happened to be a distinguished Worcestershire resident.

Also present was the P.G.M. R.W. Bro. Gen. Campbell C.B and approximately 100 other Brethren.

There were 8 founders’ and the Principal Officers appointed were:

Interesting items from the Minutes of the first meeting include the fact that 6 Joining Members’ and one Initiate were proposed and that the Founders’ Jewels were not ready in time! The Initiate was W. Gill Smith - a member of the family long associated with the Evesham Journal.

Founders of the Lodge